Organizações & Sociedade 2024-05-27T18:03:34+00:00 Revista Organizações & Sociedade Open Journal Systems <p>O&amp;S is a trimonthly publication from NPGA - Núcleo de Pós-graduação em Administracão (Graduate Center in Management), at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. It aims to foster dialogue and innovation about the understanding of organizations, through the publication of research that adds value to society and is socially significant. O&amp;S has a five-step blind peer review process and hosts two types of articles: theoretical development and empirical research. <br />Area of knowledge: Applied Social Sciences<br />ISSN(online): 1984-9230 -Frequency: Quarterly</p> Ordinary Management at Quilombola Community Paiol de Telha in Parana State: Leaders’ Memories About Daily Practices Before They Were Expelled from Their Territory 2023-07-01T18:03:47+00:00 Português Português Português Português Juliane Sachser Angnes <p><span class="fontstyle0">The aim of the present study is to learn more about the ordinary management of daily practices based on memories told and experienced by leaders at </span><span class="fontstyle2">Quilombola </span><span class="fontstyle0">Community “Invernada Paiol de Telha - Fundão” before they were expelled from their territory in 1974. Management practices in ordinary men’s daily life are not set from academic knowledge, but rather developed in a very peculiar way based on both their experiences and the context they live in. The qualitative methodology was herein adopted and it meant researchers’ insertion in this community and working with oral and written sources, mainly with oral history. Results have shown that “Fundão” set conviviality bonds by producing memories in order to turn space into symbolic places. It allowed better understanding their daily lives as space enabling the adoption of verb “to manage” linked to “Knowhow”. It is possible observing that practices adopted before their expelling from the territory were full of activities stressed by residents’ personal and collective repertoires about their routines and by the very essence of their management. Housing, eating and subsistence practices were observed at first, and solidarity, faith and leisure were the target in a second moment. Ancient community leaders “gave voice” to ancestral territoriality by recalling these daily practices. Such a territoriality highlighted the perspective of territory as space for lived experiences, whose relationship between Fundão residents and nature (physical and social) aimed at associations full of feelings and symbolisms represented by places</span></p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Organizações & Sociedade What “Male” is this?: “Abnormalization” of Subjectivities in Bregafunk Music Videos 2024-01-09T18:16:56+00:00 André Luiz Maranhão de Souza-Leão Mariana Almeida de Souza Lopes <p> <span class="fontstyle0">The entertainment industry is featured by discursive productions of ideological nature. Accordingly, different music genres work as identity vectors; thus, it is possible perceiving the representation of male individuals as the dominant gender in some of them. Bregafunk music stands out among these genres, since its music videos highlight straight and virile men, by showing women, LGBTQIAPN+ individuals and fat bodies in a stigmatized way. Based on the Foucauldian theory, the current study addresses the subjectivity “abnormalization” process carried out by another socially dominant subjectivity as way to defend and maintain its position. In order to do so, the current research presents the following investigative question: how do bregafunk music video productions represent alterities to male subjectivity? In total, 777 bregafunk music videos posted on YouTube between September 2012 and September 2020 were herein investigated, based on the foucauldian discourse analysis, in order to answer this question. Results have evidenced the dominant discourse of “male bregafunk music artists”, which is anchored in a strategy focused on perpetuating stereotypes and chauvinism. Thus, it was possible concluding that this subjectivity is a variation of the alpha male, who resorts to his cultural repertoire and social context to consolidate himself as the dominant identity by subjugating other identities through a double move comprising self-affirmation and denial of others. In addition, it was possible inferring that targeting women, LGBTQIAPN+ and fat individuals may be a defense strategy to address the growing political space gained by these identities in recent decades.</span> </p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Organizações & Sociedade Michel de Certeau's Daily Life in the Ordinary Management Practices of a Civil Society Organization in Caruaru, Pernambuco 2023-09-16T19:50:20+00:00 Wilson Mike Morais Elisabeth Cavalcante dos Santos <p>Based on the notion of everyday life proposed by Michel de Certeau, the research aimed to understand how the ordinary management practices of a civil society organization in Caruaru, Pernambuco are constituted. We use the concept of "ordinary management" as we seek to understand how the entity's management occurs, indeed, beyond formalized processes. We also discuss Michel de Certeau's concept of "ordinary everyday life", composed of heterogeneous operations in which subjects use strategies and tactics for their production and reproduction. We used participant observations, documentary research, and semi-structured interviews to operationalize the research. The findings were treated through the hermeneutic triad of narrative analysis highlighted by Barbara Czarniawska. We accessed seven everyday practices that allowed us to realize that strategies and tactics are continually mobilized when building the CSO's ordinary management. We highlight that participatory and decentralized management and popular education are the central premises of CSO management and that the study of ordinary management allows us to understand how these premises build the organization's daily life. We also noted conflicts, power relations, and hierarchies relating to the places and spaces occupied by the entity.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Organizações & Sociedade From a Hobby to a Business: Drifting through Paradox While the Business Accelerates 2022-09-30T18:08:28+00:00 Miguel Pina e Cunha Stewart Clegg Arménio Rego Luca Giustiniano <p>Our longitudinal case study investigates the emergence of an embryonic business from a hobby. As the hobby evolved to become an entrepreneurial venture, the dimensions of play and work engaged in a paradoxical tension that dynamically persisted, spiraling, as the business unfolded. The process of turning a hobby into a business progressively imbricated two opposing disciplines, those of play and work. As a result, inherent tensions between them have to be managed. Turning these tensions into a source of vitality to be nurtured, rather than framing the tension as a dichotomy to be solved, is seen to be vital to the continuation of the venture.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Organizações & Sociedade Analysis of Antecedent Factors that Lead to Cyberloafing and Deviant Behavior in Response to the Announcement of Formal Controls 2023-01-27T01:39:16+00:00 Vanessa Itacaramby Pardim Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet Cesar Alexandre de Souza <p>This paper analyzes the antecedent factors that lead to cyberloafing and deviant behavior in response to the announcement of formal controls. The research is descriptive, with a quantitative approach. It was developed through a survey of 517 employees from different organizations using a hybrid model in two stages (SEM-ANN). While a multi-analytical approach using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis with covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) validated the model, the SEM results were used as input to an artificial neural network (ANN) model to predict the factors for cyberloafing intention. As a result, we observed that ‘peer cyberloafing’ results from the influence of co-workers’ use of technology. This justifies the behavior as acceptable and harmless and brings a collective view of this practice and helps promote the organization’s social capital. The ‘self-efficacy’ in the use of electronic devices that leads to cyberloafing should not only be seen as a negative phenomenon to be banned, but as something that can stimulate creativity and the generation of ideas. Finally, this research provides clues on how to deal with the practice of cyberloafing in a balanced way, considering the management style, whether more controlling or flexible, as well as the feelings of employees concerning the topic, as it is valuable for the organization and society to reflect on the limits of this practice. The introduction of this new methodology and the theoretical contribution of the proposed hybrid model open new horizons for the existing knowledge in the literature related to the understanding cyberloafing.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Organizações & Sociedade Historical-Discursive Analysis of the Editorial "1964" in Folha de São Paulo 2023-10-18T18:53:07+00:00 Cynthia Adrielle da Silva Santos Alessandra Costa Luiz Alex Silva Saraiva <p>The article aims to analyze the Folha de São Paulo editorial "1964" in the light of the historicaldiscursive approach (HDA), basing the discussion on the concepts of discourse, media and history, and the historiography of the press and dictatorship. This text, published on March 30, 2014, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the 1964 coup, is part of a broader movement that also includes other newspapers of the mainstream press to reassess and rewrite their history during the period of the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985). The methodology used was the eight stages of the HDA and its five central questions. By identifying three dichotomous macro-topics (support for the military dictatorship as a mistake versus support as a long and painful learning process; the regime's violence versus its economic achievements; and the dispute between revolutionary socialism versus the market economy) and the discursive strategies used (predication, argumentation, perspective, intensification, and mitigation), it was possible to observe that the newspaper discursively: (a) makes the problems caused by the military regime invisible; (b) emphasizes the economic growth that the country experienced during the period; and (c) justifies its actions by linking them to the context of the time, which raises questions about the examination of its position. The main conclusions suggest that the ambiguity with which the company positions itself, attenuating its contribution to the military regime and at the same time intensifying its democratic role, makes sense in the light of a contextualized business strategy and should be considered in the discussion about the interfaces between discourse, media and history.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Organizações & Sociedade