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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Priority will be given to PhDs and PhD students/candidates.
  • Essays and articles titles, abstracts (up to 250 words), and keywords (total of three) must be in the text’s original language and in English. Abstracts and keywords are not required for reviews.
  • During the submission process on step 2: Submission Metadata (indexing), fill the field Form Language in the text’s original language and in English, adding title, abstract and keywords. For manuscripts in Spanish and French the Metadata should be provided in English and in Portuguese.
  • The text font should be Verdana, size 10; line spacing should be 1.5; and the file format should be either Rich Text Format (RTF) or Word (DOC). All pages should be numbered.
    Text length:
    Essays and articles - up to 40,000 characters;
    Interviews - up to 15,000 characters;
    up to 8,000 characters
  • Images, when available, should be in the text’s body; total size should not exceed 4 MB.
  • The manuscript should comply to the ABNT standards for scientific Journals publication (NBR 6022/2003), references in documents (NRB 10520/2002), dates indication (NBR 5892/1989), sections numbering in a document (NBR 6024/2003) and abstracts (NBR 6028/2003), as well as IBGE’s standards for tables and figures.
  • Foreign articles should comply with the standards of their countries of origin.
  • Footnotes should be at the end of the manuscript, after the bibliographical references. Footnotes should be numbered in unique sequence. Font should be Verdana, size 8, single line spacing.
  • The observation of spelling and grammar is the author’s responsibility.
  • Information about authorship should be included only on the Short Bio field, under the Profile section, upon registration, and include: name, title, institution and other information considered relevant by the author. Authorship information should be written both in the manuscripts’ original language and in English. The manuscript sent to Contemporanea can not make any reference regarding authorship or institution link, in order to guarantee the text’s double-blind review process. In case there is the need for information in the text that allows for the identification of the author, this information should be removed, but it can be added to the final version, in case the manuscript is accepted for publication.
  • Annexes and appendices will not be published by this Journal.
  • Manuscripts published by Contemporanea will be made available at other databases and online indexers.
  • Contemporanea publishes works in the field of Communication, which implies that the submitted manuscript must have a question and research design that dialogues with at least one structuring agenda of the field, considered in all its theoretical-methodological diversity.
  • For an article to be considered in line with the journal's scope, it must have a communication phenomenon as its theoretical or empirical object.
  • All metadata requested by the system, for all authors, must be completed, including the ORCID number (

Author Guidelines

Only unpublished manuscripts in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish will be considered for publication. All articles will be subject to blind reviews by two members of the Editorial Council or by ad hoc consultants. The original manuscript must be submitted only via the Electronic Editing System for Journals (SEER) under the Online Submissions option. Information about authorship should be included only on the Short Bio field, under the Profile section, upon registration, and include: name, title, institution and other information considered relevant by the author. Authorship information should be written both in the manuscripts’ original language and in English. The manuscript sent to Contemporanea can not make any reference regarding authorship or institution link, in order to guarantee the text’s double-blind review process. In case there is the need for information in the text that allows for the identification of the author, this information should be removed, but it can be added to the final version, in case the manuscript is accepted for publication. Remember that the submission of a manuscript to Contemporanea confirms your agreement to its publication in the Journal. Manuscripts published by Contemporanea will be made available at other databases and online indexers. From the moment of the submission of an original manuscript, the proponent is aware of this practice, and can not argue on the contrary.

Privacy Statement

Names and addresses will be used solely for the services provided by this Journal and will not be made available for third parties or for uses other than the ones related to this publication.