
  • William John Dominik University of Otago Universidade Federal da Bahia




Tácito, Anais, Ênfase narrativa, Colocação dos eventos históricos | Keywords, Tacitus, Annals, Narrative emphasis, Arrangement of historical events.


Embora no início dos Anais Tácito reivindique para si, como um programa, o princípio da objetividade e da neutralidade, em toda sua obra ele utiliza várias estratégias narrativas que prejudicam essa suposta noção de neutralidade. Uma dessas estratégias narrativas envolve a ênfase de uma das suas explicações de um evento na narrativa dos Anais entre as outras explicações propostas. Um aspecto dessa estratégia para enfatizar uma determinada narrativa diz respeito à forma como Tácito organiza eventos a fim de chamar a atenção para as associações particulares entre certos personagens e os seus papéis dramáticos na narrativa enfatizada.

Abstract: Although at the beginning of the Annals Tacitus claims for himself the principle of objectivity and neutrality, he employs various narrative strategies throughout his work that undermine this idea of alleged neutrality. One of these narrative strategies involves Tacitus’ emphasis of one of his explanations of an event in the narrative of the Annals over other proposed explanations. An aspect of this strategy relevant to narrative emphasis relates to how Tacitus organizes events to draw attention to particular associations between certain characters and their dramatic roles in the narrative.


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Biografia do Autor

William John Dominik, University of Otago Universidade Federal da Bahia

William J. Dominik was awarded his PhD in Classics from Monash University (Australia) in 1989. Presently CAPES Visiting Foreign Professor of Classics at the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil) and Emeritus Professor of Classics at the University of Otago (New Zealand), he has lectured widely in Classics and the Humanities, especially at the University of Otago (NZ) and the University of Natal (South Africa), where he has served as Professor and Chair of Classics; he has also held visiting professorships and other positions at Texas Tech University (USA), Monash University (Australia), University of Leeds (England), University of Cambridge (England), University of Edinburgh (Scotland) and the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil) for periods ranging from one semester to three years. Dominik is the author or editor of 319 publications (counting revised editions, reprints and contracted publications) in 18 countries, including 24 books, on Roman literature and rhetoric, the classical tradition and reception, lexicography and other topics. He was also the Founding Editor and Manager of the twenty-year (1992–2011) international Classics series Scholia (South Africa/New Zealand), which published 862 contributions by 392 scholars and academics at 193 universities in 36 countries and was distributed throughout 49 countries; in addition, he has served as a Editor/Co‑editor of Latin Literature or Senior Advisory Editor for The Literary Encyclopedia (England) since 2005. Dominik has delivered 131 papers at 58 universities in 16 countries, including the Biennial Constantine Leventis Memorial Lecture at the University of Ibadan (Nigeria), the keynote address at the Federal University of Bahia Inaugural Classics Colloquium (Brazil), a Royal Society of New Zealand National Identity Symposium presentation, an Oxford Philological Society lecture, and numerous other invited lectures; in addition, he has organised and directed conferences in Spain, Australia and South Africa. Finally, he has supervised 29 PhD/MA/BA Honours theses, examined or moderated 62 PhD/MA/BA Honours theses, and served as a convenor of examiners for 59 PhD/MA/BA Honours theses.

W. J. Dominik has received 197 grants, fellowships and awards (counting renewals and sponsored visits) in 12 countries, including an Emeritus Professorship at the University of Otago (NZ), 2 Commonwealth Fellowships (England and Australia), 2 Research Fellowships at the University of Oxford (England), 2 CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel Foundation) Fellowships and Grants (Brazil), an Institute for the Advanced Studies of the Humanities Research Fellowship at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), a Clare Hall Research Fellowship at the University of Cambridge, and a Human Sciences Research Council Established Researcher Grant (South Africa). He has served as a referee for the evaluation of research quality for national research agencies or foundations in Italy, South Africa and New Zealand and for grant and fellowship applications for national academies or councils of the humanities in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and South Africa. In addition, Dominik has served as a referee for institutes or centres of the humanities at 5 universities in the USA, as a referee or advisor for 17 publishers in 8 countries, as a referee or consultant for 26 journals or conference proceedings in 9 countries, and as a consultant, accreditor or trustee for academic units at universities in Mexico, Colombia and Nigeria. He has also served as a referee of research outputs for tenure and promotion applications to all academic levels for 23 universities in 9 countries. Finally, Dominik has been an officer or committee member of a number of scholarly and professional organizations, including the international Epic Poetry Network, the American Philological Association, the Australian Society for Classical Studies and the Classical Association of South Africa, as well as a member of numerous professional organizations.




Como Citar

DOMINIK, W. J. ÊNFASE NARRATIVA E A COLOCAÇÃO DOS EVENTOS HISTÓRICOS NOS ’ANAIS’ DE TÁCITO | NARRATIVE EMPHASIS AND THE ARRANGEMENT OF HISTORICAL EVENTS IN TACITUS’ ’ANNALS’. Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Salvador, n. 55, p. 166–182, 2016. DOI: 10.9771/2176-4794ell.v0i55.20279. Disponível em: https://revbaianaenferm.ufba.br/index.php/estudos/article/view/20279. Acesso em: 5 out. 2024.

