Geographical Indications and International Negotiations
Geographical Indications, International Negotiations, Political system.Abstract
We have by Geographical Indications the protection given to the territory in function of the local fame attributed to a certain product or service. The studies that involve the theme are of the most diverse, however, the present article intends to present an analysis of the geographical indications and its correlation with international negotiations. The historical contextualization, the obstacles and the economic impacts of the Geographical Indications will be approached, all in correlation with the international negotiations. In the historical context it is significant to note that from a remote time it was usual to cite geographical names to identify products. The study compares concepts of Geographical Indications and their ramifications, their impacts at national and international level. As a result of the research, the study presents considerations under the Brazilian policy system related to intellectual property and Geographical Indications, and obstacles to international negotiations, where it is possible to identify the points to be explored to ensure progress and success in international negotiations.
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