Technology Roadmap of the Biomethanation of Straw
Technology Roadmap, Biogas, Straw.Abstract
A technology roadmap for straw biomethanization was developed with the objective of visually presenting the state of the art of this sector in the international environment and so that it can be used to explore the dynamics of emerging technologies, assisting in the identification, selection and development of technologies to satisfy this market. We highlight some results obtained through the roadmap analysis, such as the relevance of the Chinese players, which pointed to China's large investment in RD&I in this market compared to the rest of the world, and the determination of the main technologies for pre-treatment of the straw, crucial for the viability of the process. The roadmap has been able to track strategic short, medium and long-term movements in this sector by multinational companies that are not currently known for biogas production, such as Novozymes, Shell and Texaco.
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