Technological Evaluation of Surfactants / Combined Lewis Acid Catalysts to Biodiesel Production: the case of the cerium (III) tri-dodecylsulfate catalyst
Biodiesel, Catalysts, Cerium tris-dodecyl sulfate (III).Abstract
Biodiesel is already found in the Brazilian energy matrix in a percentage of 8% in all diesel that is commercialized. Its industrial scale production occurs through the transesterification reaction in the presence of homogeneous catalysts. Aiming at a more environmentally-friendly production, the catalyst tris-dodecylsulfate of cerium (III) was developed, which gave rise to the patent granted by the INPI under the number BRPI0701850-9 and related scientific publication. This paper presents the technological evaluation of the patent in question, which proposes a sustainable and economical alternative for the production of biodiesel in the global context of patents and scientific research. Among the technological obstacles to overcome, which can guarantee the viability of the catalyst, technical barriers have prevented the staggering of the technology preventing its technological maturity.
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