Evaluation of Wet Biomass Usage for Biodiesel Production from Microalgae





Biodiesel, Microalgae, Transesterification.


With the global population growing, the demand for fuels increased in the last years. The need to exchange the use of fossil fuels and minimize the negative impacts they cause, alternatives as the usage of microalgae to produce biofuels has been developed for a large scale future implementation. This study had as main goal to do a technological prospecting taking into consideration the actual results related with biodiesel production by conversion of microalgae lipids. An advanced search was performed using the keywords ‘biodiesel’, ‘microalgae’, ‘in situ’ e ‘wet’, to obtain references related with the utilization of wet biomass in the transesterification process. The research resulted in 14 articles distributed among the years 2011-2015. It was also verified that there are just 8 application patents using wet biomass in. Microalgae from genus Nannochloropsis and Chlorella are the most common used and the in situ process using an appropriate catalyzer has a high potential for a possible large scale production.


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Author Biographies

Marja Bittencourt Pimentel, Salvador University, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Department of Chemical Engineering

Mariana de Almeida Aquino, Salvador University, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Department of Chemical Engineering

Ana Katerine Carvalho Lima Lobato, Salvador University, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Department of Chemical Engineering


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How to Cite

Pimentel, M. B. ., Aquino, M. de A., & Lobato, A. K. C. L. . (2018). Evaluation of Wet Biomass Usage for Biodiesel Production from Microalgae. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(5), 1420. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v11i5.27541