Cadernos de Prospecção magazine started its publication in 2008, just a few years after the enactment of the Innovation Law – Law n. 10,973, of December 2, 2004 - which deals with incentives for innovation and scientific and technological research in the productive environment. Since then, this journal has been offering a channel for the dissemination of works aimed at for technological prospection studies, intellectual property and technology transfer. The dissemination of knowledge about Technological Prospecting in this journal has contributed to giving vent to the vocation of researchers who work mainly in the interaction between academic life and the world of work, focusing in a special way on the problems and demands of society that require technological solutions. This disclosure is highlighted in the contemporary world, in which the differential is no longer access to information to be the ability to transform information. Technological Prospecting brings together approaches, methods and tools that allow this bridge between information and knowledge, guiding the collection and systematization of data, bringing elements for the treatment of this data and the conversion of them into information that can support decision making. This path between data and knowledge has been covered by numerous researchers who have been publishing in this journal. But besides the dissemination of knowledge about Technological Prospecting per se, the existence of a channel for publishing research of this nature indirectly contributes to the formation of qualified personnel, since the possibility of disseminating knowledge presupposes the realization of the research for which the involvement of several researchers and students is always necessary. When browsing through the volumes of Cadernos de Prospecção Magazine, it is noticed that a large part of of the articles uses patent data. Although the range of possibilities for tools and Technological Prospecting methods is much broader than those that use only data available in patents, the introduction of students in the handling of patent system data reveals a broad horizon, in which technology data from the most diverse sectors are detailed and available. This can be decisive for overcoming technological bottlenecks, avoiding duplication of efforts in research and development, and, with the insertion of these students as professionals in the world of work, for the technological competitiveness of companies and organizations in the country.The situation in Brazil, whether due to the need to stimulate science and technology, or due to the pressing need to retake the strengthening of the national industry, requires actions based on data and information and, with regard to Technological Prospecting, some of the tools available in this area can contribute to the choice of more promising paths for Brazilian society. May we know how to use them wisely I wish you all an excellent read!
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How to Cite
Ribeiro, N. M. (2018). Editorial. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(3), 703. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v11i3.28271
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