A Bibliometric Analysis on Public Purchases in Innovation Projects
Innovation Project, Government Purchase , Public Acquisition.Abstract
The study aimed to perform a quantitative bibliometric analysis on the theme Public Procurement in Innovation Projects. Publications on the subject were identified through consultations in the Scopus database with period limitation until 2017. The results highlight the authors who publish the most in the area, the most relevant journals, the types of documents used to disseminate the research, that the theme is linked, the countries most interested in the subject, the period in which the theme presented the greatest rise and the position of Brazil in the research on this subject. Firstly, a portfolio composed of 235 documents was created, which contributed to the results presented at the beginning of the study, after which the 40 most referenced documents between 2007 and 2017 were identified, with authors and keywords most cited. The study also provides the continuation of the research through a qualitative analysis of the portfolio prepared.
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