Intellectual Property in Public Companies: an analysis of Embrapa's trademarks applications




Distinctive Signs, Brands, Technological Prospecting.


The purpose of this article is to show the relevant aspects about the applications of trademarks from a public company in Brazil, in particular, the panorama of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). The objective is to analyze the data of trademark applications in Brazil, questions about how the company works and the management of these intangible assets for the development of the company and the environment in which it operates. For the development of the research, an exploratory and descriptive case study was carried out, with a mixed approach (quanti-qualitative), through interviews of employees of the institution and by research in the main databases related to intellectual property, among the years 1970 to 2018, using the term “Embrapa” as the search term. All platforms surveyed had an increasing number of orders over the years. At the INPI base, 484 trademark applications were found, most of which are registered trademarks. It can be concluded that the advance in the protection of trademarks by Embrapa is noticeable, this advance may occur due to investments and market actions. However, despite the fact that the company has a relatively well-known trademark registration process, this procedure is not documented and there was a need to carry out the process documentation, as well as the guidance and training of the teams for protection and enforcement correctly the procedures for registering trademarks with the INPI.


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Author Biographies

Glauber Adenir Soares Preto, Rio Grande do Sul Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology

Professional with a background in executive marketing and business management, Postgraduate in Strategic Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), Graduated from Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha (FSG) in Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing, also graduated in Agribusiness from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS), He stood out with his work in the service sector, at Telefônica S.A. with Strategic Marketing planning and organizational development, including experience in people leadership, performance indicators and development of new markets. In the industry, Random S.A, worked as an MQR leader, in which he executed strategies for the development and restructuring of the areas of operation, seeking improvements with a focus on results. Main actions: Member of a project to improve the Agroindustrial market in the Grape and Wine sector in the South Region, financed by CNPq, where he worked in the development of brands, projects and B2C & B2B business channels, expanded the area of ​​operation to markets in PR, SC, MG and SP. Developed the redirection of RS actions to social networks with website reformulation and actions with opinion makers and customers. His areas of expertise include high-performance performance, adapting the business structure to the target audience, the implementation of control tools and the creation of indicators in team management, aiming to link high performance to the company's objectives.

Kelly Lissandra Bruch, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Post-Doctorate in Agribusiness at CEPAN/UFRGS. Doctor in Law from Université Rennes I, France in co-tutorship with UFRGS. Master in Agribusiness from CEPAN/UFRGS. Specialist in International Law and Business at UFSC. Graduated in Law from the State University of Ponta Grossa. Professor at the Department of Economic and Labor Law, Faculty of Law, UFRGS. Professor of the Graduate Program (master's and doctorate) at the Center for Studies and Research in Agribusiness - CEPAN/UFRGS. Professor at PROFNIT (Professional Master in National Network in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation) at the IFRS Focal Point. Member of the Special Committee on Intellectual Property of the OAB/RS, Coordinator of the Committee for Special Studies on Geographical Indications of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT, Expert appointed by the Brazilian Government to the International Organization of Grapes and Wine - OIV, Coordinator of the Committee of Economics and Law of the Brazilian Technical Commission of Vine and Wine - CTBVV. Associate of the International Association of Wine Jurists - AIDV. Associated with the Brazilian Union of University Agrarians - UBAU. Associated with the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association - ABPI. Associated with the Brazilian Academy of Wine Law - ABDvin.


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How to Cite

Preto, G. A. S. ., Franco, C. B. . F. B. A., & Bruch, K. L. (2020). Intellectual Property in Public Companies: an analysis of Embrapa’s trademarks applications. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(3), 676.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento