Patent Search Systems: Comparative Analysis Between Espacenet, Patentscope, Google Patents, Lens, Derwent Innovation Index and Orbit Intelligence




Patent Data Basis, Patent Search Systems, Technological Information.


Patent search systems are crucial for analyze of innovative technologies, state of the art, monitoring competitors and identifying technology transfer partners, among others. Here is presented a comparative analysis of six patent search systems: Espacenet, Patentscope, Google Patents, Lens, Derwent Innovation Index and Orbit Intelligence. Thirteen criteria of access type, search engines and tools, base coverage and statistical analysis tools were considered. Then, eight international patent classifications (IPCs) were compared. In finding patent data using international classification codes, free systems, such as Lens, have achieved very close results to paid systems. It was noted that Orbit excels in statistical analysis and patent data export tools, document coverage, data interpretation tools and export facilities, making it the most suitable for the necessities of postgraduate programs.


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Author Biographies

Edilson Araújo Pires, Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia

Doctor and Master in Intellectual Property Science from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Specialization in Psychopedagogy Degree in History from the State University of Bahia (UNEB). He has additional training in Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Management of Innovation Agencies, Structuring of Technological Innovation and Patent Centers and Priority Search. Professor EaD postgraduate courses at UFRB and undergraduate courses at the Faculty of Science and Entrepreneurship (FACEMP). He is the coordinator of the Coordination of Creation and Innovation at UFRB (CINOVA). He works mainly on the following topics: Education, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Intellectual Property, Technological Prospecting, Innovation Management, ST&I Indicators, Scientific Production and NITs.

Nubia Moura Ribeiro, Federal Institute of Bahia

She holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Bahia (1983), a Master's in Chemistry of Natural Products from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1987) and a PhD in Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2004). She is a professor at the Federal Institute of Bahia (granted to UNILAB) and at the Doctorate in Knowledge Diffusion, in partnership with UFBA. She was Director of the São Francisco do Conde Campus at UNILAB, Pro-Dean of Research and Post-Garduation at IFBA, Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Chamber of FAPESB. He has experience in Chemistry, Education, Innovation, Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management, working mainly on the following topics: intellectual property, innovation management, social knowledge management, education in chemistry, biodiesel and chromatography.

Cristina M. Quintella, Federal University of Bahia

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How to Cite

Pires, E. A., Ribeiro, N. M., & Quintella, C. M. (2020). Patent Search Systems: Comparative Analysis Between Espacenet, Patentscope, Google Patents, Lens, Derwent Innovation Index and Orbit Intelligence. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(1), 13.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento