Prospective Study of Information and Communication Technologies Applied to People with Autism
Autism, Technology, ICT.Abstract
Autism is a developmental disorder that is usually identified in childhood, persisting in adolescence and adulthood. People with autism are characterized by deficits in communication, language and behavior, which invariably impairs their social interaction. Research on information and communication technologies (ICT), focused on the diagnosis and treatment of people with autism, has been emerging in recent years. Mobile devices, for example, have enabled various forms of accessibility and served as tools for autistic individuals with sensory, motor disabilities, as well as those who need augmentative communication. In this study, a search and analysis was carried out on the basis of patents and scientific articles, in order to obtain an overview of the main ICTs that have been applied to people with autism. The results showed a substantial growth in works and technologies that can provide alternative treatments for people with autism, totaling 611 scientific articles and 222 patent families.
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