Prospective Investigation of the New Coronavirus and Antiviral Drugs with Potential Therapeutic Activity for the Treatment of Infected Patients by COVID-19
Coronavirus, COVID-19 , Treatment, Drugs.Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemy, caused by a new coronavirus found in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, has infected 754,498 people and promoted the death of 36,571 people worldwide until March 31, 2020. Almost all the countries experimented collapses in them health system to take care of their population. This paper is devoted to show a scientific and technological mapping about this new virus and antiviral drugs with potential therapeutic activities in the treatment of COVID-19, it was performed by analysis of scientific papers and patents from Brazilian and international databases. 2,977 patents (Orbit) and 14,056 articles (Scopus) were found about coronavirus and 296 articles (Scopus) specifically about the new coronavirus, predominantly from China. More than 20 antiviral drugs were identified and are under evaluation in different parts of the world. The results also brings some news about the actual potential of use of some drugs like chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, Ritonavir, Lopinavir, Remdesivir and Ribavirin.
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