Technological Advances in Dentistry Teaching: mapping patents on the use of simulators
Patent Documents, Educational Models, Anatomy Models.Abstract
This article carried out a patent mapping in dentistry education, mainly using simulators, since it is know that the excellence of learning depends on the development of technical and motor skills in a practical way, and one of the utilities of technological patent mapping of activity is to obtain the technological evolution of a given subject, in this case: the use of simulators in dentistry education. The temporal evolution of patent documents showed 3 peaks (1997; 2001 to 2003; and, 2007 to 2011), and it was possible to highlight the articulator simulator model with 45 patent documents, representing 38% of the relevant documents, of these 10 documents are at the peak between 2007 and 2011. From this mapping, it is possible to subsidize technological innovation strategies and assist in promoting research and developments focused on improving the quality of education in dentistry.
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