Overview of Technological Innovations for Seed Conservation
Patents, Orbit Intelligence, Agriculture.Abstract
The objective was to map the technological innovations developed for seed conservation. A search of deposited patents was carried out using the Orbit Intelligence tool and the term Seed AND conservation. Documents that presented this term in the title and abstract were considered. Patents were assessed for the geographic distribution of the technologies generated, assignees, years of deposits, concept and areas of technological. A total of 830 patents were verified geographically distributed in 47 countries plus those that are part of the Regional African Industrial Property Organization, European Patent Organization and World Intellectual Property Organization. China stood out with the largest number of technologies and the main concepts related to these are: seeds, seedlings and soil. The assigner’s institutions are mostly Chinese, there was an increase in deposit as of 2016. 29 areas of technological domain were identified. The technological innovations developed are based on species that have economic potential.
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