Elaboration of Technological and Business Roadmap of the Circular Economy: a view on the energy sector





Circular Economy, Circular Business Models, Technology Roadmap.


Circular Economy can be defined as a model, which seeks to extend the materials and product life extension in their greatest utility and value. In this context, this work objective present part of the doctoral thesis in development, since 2018, about Circular Economy Technological and Business Roadmap to elucidate technological and market trends for future investments and partnerships. The methodology for the Current Stage was carried out using specialized media and case studies in the Ellen MacArthur Foundation platform, and in the Long Term, with the analysis of scientific articles, relating them with the respective drivers. Among the results obtained, it is possible to highlight, in both temporal stages, the circular actions in Circular Design and Recycling, the Reverse Logistics and Product-service systems (PSS) business models, as well as the sectors most impacted: Petrochemical, Energy and Textile.


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Author Biographies

Aline Souza Tavares, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Doctoral student at the Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering Program at UFRJ.

Suzana Borschiver, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Full Professor at the School of Chemistry at UFRJ, in the Department of Organic Processes.


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How to Cite

Tavares, A. S., & Borschiver, S. (2021). Elaboration of Technological and Business Roadmap of the Circular Economy: a view on the energy sector. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(3), 810. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v14i3.39052



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