Classification of Patents in Federal Universities in the TRL Scale (Technology Readiness Level): case study from the ISO 16290:2013 Standard
Intellectual Property, TRL (Technology Readiness Level), Technology Transfer.Abstract
The transfer of patents registered by universities to society is essential for them to effectively become innovation. A common language that facilitates the extraction of information from researchers about their marketable discoveries requires a precise perception of the degree of technology maturation, where the TRL (Technology Readiness Level) scale stands out. In view of this context, this article aims to classify the applications for filing patents from a Federal University on the TRL scale. Through a qualitative exploratory research and case study, a classification protocol based on the ISO 16290:2013 standard and a technological solution (software) for the calculation of leveling on the scale were elaborated. The classification protocol was answered by the respective inventors from January to September 2020. The software developed contributed to the classification of patents in federal universities, based on scientific parameters, and elucidated the potential for technological transfer of a federal university, as the results revealed a predominance of patents located at the ninth level of the scale, with inconsistencies from the fifth level.
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