Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Public Policy Cycle
Artificial Intelligence, Public Policy, Digital Government.Abstract
The public policy cycle is a process that begins with the conflicting identification and prioritization of the public problem, the implementation of the solution, until the validation of the problem resolution. Currently, there are techniques, especially artificial intelligence, that can support the public administration to use the data under their control more efficiently in problem solving. This study explores how world governments apply artificial intelligence to public policy. Therefore, bibliometric, patentometric and documentary analyzes were applied, also observing the countries' national artificial intelligence strategies as an opportunity for development and strengthening. Brazil, although with scientific studies in the area, is far removed from this strategic development race. The biggest initiatives for the use of artificial intelligence are in the implementation phase of public policy and with less focus on identifying the public problem, according to the 201 articles and 46 patent documents analyzed in this study.
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