The theoretical-practical discussion of topics capable of evolving Regional and National Innovation Systems becomes increasingly urgent and necessary for countries to advance in the transformation of their scientific and technological capacity with positive impacts for society and the economy. The reality of the pandemic caused by Covid-19 reinforced not only for Brazil, but for the entire planet Earth, the importance of countries maintaining their scientific efforts in a structured and continuous way. Furthermore, this global health crisis has undeniably shown how important it is to consolidate an environment conducive to innovation and the promotion of greater technological independence. The interface of competences between the agents that form the innovation systems is a preponderant element for Brazil to move forward. In this sense, it is essential to promote strategic alliances and the structuring of management arrangements capable of increasing the use of Brazil's intellectual capital, technologies and research infrastructure.The success of the previous editions of Cadernos de Prospecção now receives a new volume, strengthening its commitment to the dissemination of knowledge. The various articles in this issue address topics such as biotechnology, circular economy, artificial intelligence, public security, blockchain and models aimed at driving intellectual property and technology transfer results in a multidisciplinary way. The Edition brings together the work of 78 authors, from 25 Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institutions (ICT) from all regions of the country, being 13 States and the Federal District. In addition to authors from Brazil, it should be noted that there are also works by researchers from Portugal. I wish you all an excellent reading and a great learning experience!
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How to Cite
Medeiros, J. C. C. (2021). Editorial. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(3), 677. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v14i3.44979
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