Use of 𝛽-glucan as an Immunomodulatory Agent: evidences and perspectives
Polysaccharides, Immune system, Fungi.Abstract
The objective of the study was to carry out a prospective analysis to identify the main trends in the use and innovation of the polysaccharide 𝛽-glucan from different origins as an immunomodulatory agent. As a source of information, leaflets of products with 𝛽-glucan and immunity to sale on e-commerce sites and the description of patents raised by the term beta glucan in the national patent database were used. This study identified 60 products containing 𝛽-glucans from different sources, sold by companies in the food, pharmaceutical, health and well-being and dermocosmetics sectors, for human and veterinary use, in the form of capsules, tablets, liquids and powders. The patentometric survey showed that human needs, medical or veterinary clinics, agriculture and animal husbandry, through the production of food, dietary fiber and treatment of diseases were the most cited uses in inventions, highlighting three patents related to the immune system. This study made it possible to map market possibilities for the development of innovative products containing 𝛽-glucan.
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