Bioactive Molecules From Fungi, Applications and Properties: a technological prospection
Fungi, Bioactive molecules, Bioprospecting.Abstract
The objectives of this technological prospection were: (i) to map patent applications on bioactive molecules from fungi; (ii) to highlight the industrial opportunities for the application of fungi, yeasts and filamentous fungi; (iii) to analyze the methods and techniques described in the patents for obtaining bioactive molecules; and (iv) to highlight the biological properties of molecules produced by fungi. The technological prospection of bioactive molecules from fungi was conducted in the Orbit Intelligence database using two search strategies. The English words "bioactive" and "molecules" associated with the patent classifications "C12R-2001/654" (search 1) and "A61K-036/06" (search 2) were used. A total of 113 patent applications were identified, of which twenty-three documents were selected for analysis. It was found that bioactive substances from fungi have anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, biofumigant, antifungal and antioxidant properties and can be used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, food and agrochemical industries.
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