Technological Prospecting for the Production of Recycled Gypsum Blocks




Gypsum waste, Recycling, Civil construction.



The growing concern about the management of urban solid waste, especially that from construction, drives research into sustainable forms of reuse. Recycled gypsum appears as an alternative due to its physical-chemical properties and abundance as a by-product in construction. The objective of this work was to carry out a prospective study of the production of recycled gypsum building blocks in civil construction. A technological prospecting methodology was used, covering bibliometric data in scientific bases from 2014 to 2024 (Capes and Web Science) and patents from 2009 to 2024 (INPI and Orbit®), to map technologies produced from waste of recycled gypsum. The results indicate a growing interest in the topic, a factor reflected in the number of publications and patents found. It is concluded that recycled gypsum has potential for application as a construction system, promoting waste reduction and a more sustainable approach in the sector.


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Author Biographies

Hugo Damião Barbosa Torres, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

Civil engineer and master's student in the Professional Master's program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation.

Cristiane Xavier Galhardo, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

She has a Bachelor's degree in Technological Chemistry from the State University of Campinas (1995), a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the State University of Campinas (1995), a PhD in Science in the area of Analytical Chemistry (2001) from the University of São Paulo and post -doctorate (2003) in Analytical Chemistry from the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, CENA, USP, Piracicaba. Associate Professor I at the Agricultural Engineering Collegiate of the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco, UNIVASF. He has experience in the area of Analytical Chemistry, with an emphasis on Optical Analysis Methods, with attention to spectrophotometric and chemiluminescence techniques associated with Flow Injection Analysis (FIA), Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA) and Multiswitching and Binary Sampling systems. She is currently a professor at the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation, PROFNIT, acting as coordinator of the UNIVASF Focal Point. (Text provided by the author)

Isnaldo José de Souza Coêlho, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

PhD in Electrical/Electronic Engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco


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How to Cite

Torres, H. D. B., Galhardo, . C. X., & Coêlho, I. J. de S. . (2025). Technological Prospecting for the Production of Recycled Gypsum Blocks. Cadernos De Prospecção, 18(1), 276–290.



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