Productivity Scholarship in Technological Development and Innovative Extension by CNPq: an analysis of Call n. 04/2023




Scholarships, Support for technological development, Public policies for S&T, CNPq.


The article presents an analysis of the CNPq Call n. 04/2023, aimed at granting CNPq scholarships in the Productivity in Technological Development and Innovative Extension (DT) modality. In addition to the Call text itself, various parameters related to applicants and awardees were examined. It was identified that there was no requirement for prior art search in the proposal model, and there were criteria allowing the Advisory Committee to adopt an "academic" bias in their evaluations. A total of 294 proposals were approved, representing 18.6% of the demand. Only 2% of the applicants were affiliated with private companies, none of which were awarded. Industrial Production Technologies and Services were the thematic area with the highest number of approved proposals, totalling 46, while Biotechnology had only 14 approved. Regarding participating institutions, it can be affirmed that the distribution of scholarships among institutions was fairly homogeneous, considering that 41% of the institutions had at least one researcher awarded.


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Author Biography

Rafael Leite P. de Andrade, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development

Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 2948509170667488 Graduated in Food Engineering (1996), Master in Food Science and Technology (1999), PhD in Development, Agriculture and Society (2007 ). Titles obtained by the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. Specialist in Audiovisual Production (2010) from the Faculty of Social and Technological Sciences/DF. He worked as a teacher in the areas of Food Science and Technology for the Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine and Food Engineering courses. He is currently a Senior Science and Technology Analyst at CNPq, where he headed the Intellectual Property Support Service for 8 years. He is a professor of the professional master's degree in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer (PROFINIT) at the focal point UnB and a professor of the Cinematic Scripting discipline at Centro Universitário Estácio / DF. He has experience in the areas of Food Science and Technology, International Trade, Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer, S, T & I Policies and Audiovisual Production.


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How to Cite

Andrade, R. L. P. de. (2025). Productivity Scholarship in Technological Development and Innovative Extension by CNPq: an analysis of Call n. 04/2023. Cadernos De Prospecção, 18(1), 306–323.



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