Materials, Legislations and Perceptions in Sustainable Menstrual Hygiene: a systematic literature review




Legislation, Menstrual Hygiene Products, Environmental Perception.


This systematic review addresses the legislation, production and consumption of sustainable menstrual hygiene products, with the aim of critically analyzing studies on legislation, sustainable products and environmental perceptions, identifying gaps in the literature. Using qualitative methods with search strings and inclusion and exclusion criteria, relevant studies were selected from the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. The results highlight the importance of Brazilian laws for the production of sustainable sanitary pads and women's environmental perception, identifying gaps in research and promising trends. Brazil led in publications on the topic, followed by the USA and India, reflecting the growing interest in menstrual hygiene management, especially evidenced by the significant increase in publications in 2022. The review contributed to understanding the needs of socially vulnerable women, proposing improvements in the production of products aligned with their needs, in addition to influencing the promotion of public policies and more sustainable production practices.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. D. B. da, & Cunha, M. X. C. da. (2025). Materials, Legislations and Perceptions in Sustainable Menstrual Hygiene: a systematic literature review. Cadernos De Prospecção, 18(1), 324–341.



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