Imbalances in Federal Investment in Education, Science, Technology and Innovation Between States and the Consequences for Local and Regional Innovation Systems




Public ST&I policies, Investments in Higher Education, Innovation and Regional Development.


In this work, it is made a comparison of the investments made by the Union and the states in higher and technical education, by research support state foundations as well as in the distribution of CNPq and Capes scholarships in 8 states in the South, Southeast and Northeast regions, in order to identify possible regional imbalances. This comparison is made through access to the transparency portals of the federal and state governments, in addition to the aforementioned agencies, official webpages of the institutions and the IBGE. The data collected shows that the country is not moving towards eliminating imbalances between regions and, in some aspects, particularly with regard to investment in innovation, such imbalances have increased. It is also possible to notice a varied set of state level strategies adopted over time.


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Author Biographies

Gesil Sampaio Amarante Segundo, State University of Santa Cruz

Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 2560106052820991 Graduated in Physics - Bachelor's degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993), Master's degree in Physics from the University of São Paulo (1996) and PhD in Physics from the University of São Paulo (2000). He is currently a full professor at the State University of Santa Cruz. He has experience in the area of Physics, with an emphasis on Physics of Plasma and Electrical Discharges, working mainly on the following topics: plasmas, RF antennas, heating and generation of flows using Alfvén waves, High Performance Computing and Public CT&I Policies. He is Vice-Coordinator of NIT-UESC, representative of ICTs in the Bahia Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Network (RePITTec), interim President of the Scientific and Technological Park of Southern Bahia, Vice-President of the National Forum of Innovation Managers and Technology Transfer (FORTEC) and former General Coordinator of the Forum of Parliamentary Advisors on Science, Technology, Innovation and Education (ForumCTIE).

Luciane Aparecida Goulart

Master's degree in History of the Atlantic and African Diaspora from the State University of Santa Cruz - Ilhéus - Bahia (2021). Master's degree in Culture and Tourism from the State University of Santa Cruz - Ilhéus - Bahia (2012). Specialization in Brazilian History from FACSUL/UNIME in Itabuna, Bahia (2009). Graduation in History (Bachelor's degree) - Department of History at FFLCH at USP/SP (1997). Degree in History from the Faculty of Education of USP/SP (1997). She has experience in the area of ​​History, with an emphasis on Social History, working mainly on the following themes: cocoa, ports and History of the Atlantic.



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How to Cite

Segundo, G. S. A. ., & Goulart, L. A. (2025). Imbalances in Federal Investment in Education, Science, Technology and Innovation Between States and the Consequences for Local and Regional Innovation Systems. Cadernos De Prospecção, 18(1), 70–88.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento