About the Journal

Basic information

CADERNO CRH – is a Social Sciences journal that accepts the free collaboration of unpublished texts, of recognized academic interest and current affairs of the Social Sciences, in the form of articles, bibliographic essays, and reviews, organized and edited by the Research and Studies Center in Humanities (CRH), in co-edition with the Publisher of the Federal University of Bahia (EDUFBA). From 2020, volume 33, the journal adopted the Continuous Publication scheme, exclusively online, with a single yearly volume. Each volume shall continue to publish three dossiers on specific topics, organized by authors of recognized academic experience and representing an original contribution to scientific debate, with all texts being submitted to the peer review process. In addition to the Dossier, independently submitted articles, not necessarily linked to the themes of dossiers and reviews, will also compose the volume.

The Research and Studies Center in Humanities (CRH) is a complementary body of the School of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the Federal University of Bahia, of interdisciplinary character, focused on research, complementary education, and university extension in the area of Social Sciences, created in 1969 with the objective of critically thinking about the nature and character of Brazilian development and its regional specificities and heterogeneities, tuned to the best of the reflection of the national social sciences.

In 2004, the journal consolidated itself as a journal of national reach and quarterly periodicity of social sciences. The achievement of its academic objectives reflects on the support received from a significant portion of the national and even international community that collaborated as authors, dossier coordinators, peer-reviewers, readers, and Board members, showing that CADERNO CRH transcends restricted institutional milestones, opening itself to a network of Brazilian collaborators and foreign centers, ensuring the regular evaluation process and publication standards supported by a body of reviewers of great knowledge.

The abbreviation of the name is Cad. CRH, which must be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and subtitling.

Instructions to authors

Scope and policy

CADERNO CRH – is a journal of Social Sciences that accepts the free collaboration of unpublished texts, of recognized academic interest and current affairs of the Social Sciences, in the form of articles, bibliographic essays, and reviews. Organized and edited by the Research and Studies Center in Humanities (CRH), in co-edition with the Publisher of the Federal University of Bahia (EDUFBA). From 2020, volume 33, the journal adopted the Continuous Publication scheme, exclusively online, with a single yearly volume. Each volume shall continue to publish three dossiers on specific topics, organized by authors of recognized academic experience and representing an original contribution to the scientific debate, with all texts being submitted to the peer review process. In addition to the Dossier, independently submitted articles, not necessarily linked to the themes of dossiers and reviews, will also compose the volume. The work must be submitted to the journal in its final form, presenting theoretical consistency and coherence regarding its framework and originality. Technical information should be avoided in the body of the text and limited to only the essential. The text must not be submitted simultaneously by the author to more than one journal.

The publication of the text is conditioned to opinions of the Editorial and Writing Boards and/or ad hoc reviewers, ensuring the anonymity of authors and evaluators. Any suggestions for modification of structure or content by the Editorial Board will be previously discussed with and agreed by the authors. Additions or modifications will not be allowed after the article is delivered for final composition.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

The journal accepts the following types of contribution:

Thematic dossier – a space for discussion of relevant themes of the social sciences, composed of original texts of authors invited by one or more organizers, agglutinated around a previously defined content. The dossier is eminently plural and interdisciplinary in character and in the treatment of the theme under discussion. The set of collaborators’ affiliations should reflect institutional variety and the journal requires one or more authors from foreign institutions. The organizer of the dossier asks the authors to forward the original articles related to the theme using the journal’s system, according to the planning, which will follow the flow of evaluation deliberating based on opinions about its publication. Further details are described in the norms of the “Dossier” section. The dossier articulates a total of 5 (five) to 7 (seven) articles preceded by an introduction written by its organizers, limited to 3 (three) researchers, who will work as co-editors of the issue. The set of texts should be around 180 pages.


Dossier-Introduction – the thematic dossier is preceded by an introduction that should present relevant scientific content (analysis, comments), going beyond the presentation of the articles present in the issue, with its own title different from the session’s title (Dossier-Introduction), citations and references. This text must between 5 (five) and 7 (seven) pages.

Independently submitted original article – the article undergoes an initial preliminary conference on the norms required for publication (failure to comply with the guidelines will imply the interruption of this process and its return to the author for compliance), then being sent to the Editorial Board for an analysis of the article’s nature and its adequacy to the editorial policy, deliberating on referrals. The articles are then forwarded to the evaluation of at least two reviewers, ensuring the anonymity of authors and reviewers. The text must be around 30 (thirty) pages and have up to 4 (four) authors/co-authors.


The articles (dossier and independently submitted) may undergo possible modifications of form or content by the Editorial Board, which will be previously discussed with and agreed by the authors. The journal does not accept additions or modifications from the authors after the final composition process begins.

Bibliographic essays and reviews – these articles can originate both from independent submissions and by invitation, ensuring the schedule flow. The Editorial Board and the editor of reviews decide on the publication, taking into account the rules of the respective sections.

The review should be critical in character and approach new pieces of knowledge beyond the mere summary of a work; the complete reference of the book reviewed should precede the text itself; the article must have its own title other than the title of the work; books subject to academic review are usually non-fictional in nature and must have been published until the year before the submission of the review; the reviewer must introduce citations and bibliographic references into the text to support their argument. The text must have a maximum of 7 (seven) pages and up to 2 (two) authors/co-authors. Further details should be consulted in the norms of the “review” section.

It is up to the author of each text to submit them to the journal’s online system.

Responsibilities for published content

Authors are responsible for the originality and veracity of the content presented in articles, as well as for reviewing the language and ensuring compliance with ABNT standards.

Regarding the SciELO indexer, the responsibility for the content of the journal and articles lies with the authors and editors, according to agreements established between the parties. The SciELO Program assumes no legal responsibility related to the content published by journals indexed in this database. Any request received by SciELO will be forwarded to the editor-in-chief of this journal.


Peer Review Process

The texts initially undergo a preliminary review on the standards required for publication (failure to comply with the guidelines will result in the interruption of this process), and are then forwarded to the Editorial Board, which analyzes the nature of the article and its suitability to the editorial policy. They are then sent for peer review, ensuring the anonymity of the authors and consultants.


Continuous publication, exclusively online, with a single annual volume.

Open Access Policy

All content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, uses the Creative Commons license with the BY – CC BY attribution.

The online journal is open and free access.


Indexing source


SciELO - https://www.scielo.br/j/ccrh/

REDALYC - https://www.redalyc.org/revista.oa?id=3476&tipo=coleccion

SCOPUS - https://www.scopus.com/

DOAJ - https://doaj.org/toc/1983-8239

FATCAT - https://fatcat.wiki/container/2dssfltinnakpkak6da5lvsk4i

MIRABEL - https://reseau-mirabel.info/revue/issn/1983-8239

ZDB - https://zdb-katalog.de/list.xhtml?asc=false&t=1983-8239&key=iss

WIKIPEDIA PT (PORTUGUESE) - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caderno_CRH

WIKIDATA - http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q50426387

SUDOC - https://www.sudoc.fr/223269212

OPENALEX - https://openalex.org/S4210205319

CROSSREF - https://search.crossref.org/?q=+1983-8239&from_ui=yes

CLASE – Citas Latinoamericanas de Sociologia y Economia - https://clase.dgb.unam.mx/F/NC6M9FXRNQ4L9NYKM9P11GNRFJ82VMVFEFFJGUGSJPBNEDLHVN-06473?func=find-acc&acc_sequence=000476401

PORTAL DE PERIÓDICOS da UFBA - https://periodicos.ufba.br/

IRESIE - https://iresie.dgb.unam.mx/F?func=find-b-0&local_base=irs01

LATINDEX - https://www.latindex.org/latindex/ficha/3279

DIADORIM - https://diadorim.ibict.br/vufind/Record/2-5430e91f-b787-4e63-b323-7b8d7280be53?sid=3640

MIGUILIM - https://miguilim.ibict.br/handle/miguilim/4637

OASISBR - https://oasisbr.ibict.br/vufind/

CAPES PERIÓDICOS - https://www-periodicos-capes-gov-br.ez10.periodicos.capes.gov.br/index.php/acervo/lista-a-z-periodicos.html


The publication is financed by:
The Journal is sponsored by the Program for the Support of Scientific Publications of the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq).