JATARISHUN: indigenous peasant uprisings of Ecuador and Good Living





social movements, direct action, indigenous peasant peoples, good living, Ecuador


This article analyzes the Indigenous Peasant Movements (IPM) of Ecuador as a social force and political actor. By proposing an alternative to the Ecuadorian crisis based on the Sumak  Kawsay (Good Living) values, the IPM expand democratic spaces and  formulate an extended sense of  citizenship. The text focuses on the  events of the 2019 national strike in  Ecuador, in retrospective dialogue with  previous uprisings. It draws on the  testimonies of the Kayambi people,  collected before and after the strike, in  semi-structured interviews, and  ethnographic work. Results show that  the memory of previous struggles was  an essential motivation for the emergence of the uprisings. Besides,  unity and solidarity among rural actors and other sectors of Ecuadorian  society were the basis for the strike’s  strength and power. Finally, in dialogue with the Emancipatory Rural Politics,  the article contributes to critical  approaches to the role of indigenous  peasant peoples in struggles for life  alternatives.  


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Author Biographies

Larissa da Silva Araujo, Institute des Hautes Études Internacionales et du Developpement (Geneva Graduate Institute).

PhD candidate in Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland. She works on issues related to systemic alternatives, indigenous and peasant movements, women’s movements, and agroecology. Member of the Collective GRITO, Switzerland. Her most recent publications are: “Prácticas cotidianas agroecológicas hacia el Sumak Kawsay/Buen Vivir en el territorio del Pueblo Kayambi - Cayambe, Ecuador” (2021); “¿Convivencia en armonía? La lucha de las chakareras contra de la violencia de género” (2021).

Ana Tereza Reis da Silva, University of Brasilia (UnB)

Associate Professor 3 at the Faculty of Education, University of Brasilia (UnB), working in the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) and in the Master in Sustainability with Traditional Peoples and Territories (MESPT), both at UnB. Leader of the Research Group Education, Knowledge and Decolonialities (GPDES/CNPq). Hier most recent publications are: "A diversidade cultural como potencia pedagógica: do encontro à educação intercultural" (2021); "Trajetórias Formativas de Musicistas Negros no Pós-Abolição (1890-1930)", (2022, forthcoming).


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How to Cite

da Silva Araujo, L. ., & Reis da Silva, A. T. . (2022). JATARISHUN: indigenous peasant uprisings of Ecuador and Good Living. Caderno CRH, 35, e022005. https://doi.org/10.9771/ccrh.v35i0.48997