



Objective: reflect on the biopsychosocial characteristics of abuse and dependence on psychoactive substances by women with a focus on challenges for nursing practice. Method: descriptive and reflective study of the theoretical essay type. The selected publications were aligned with the central theme plus convergent care research. Results: the study allowed reflection along the lines: “Clinical characteristics of women”, “Challenges for nursing work”, “Violence against women associated with the abuse of psychoactive substances”. The recognition of female physiological susceptibility to alcohol and drug harm and psychiatric comorbidities as challenges to care stand out as central points for nursing practice. Barriers to accessing treatment related to the expectations of the social role assigned to women are discussed. Final considerations: the incorporation of the gender perspective in the planning of actions regarding the treatment of women with psychoactive substance abuse allows for effective practices that are sensitive to the specificities of this population.


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How to Cite

Horta Esper, L. (2024). WOMEN AND PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCE ABUSE: CHALLENGES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING. Revista Baiana De Enfermagem, 38(.). https://doi.org/10.18471/rbe.v38.55485


