


Torcedores de papelão, efeitos patêmicos, futebol, pandemia, imaginários de torcida


The article analyzes the representation of soccer fans in the stands by cardboard totems at matches played without the physical presence of the crowd during COVID-19 restrictions. The aim is to identify: how the image can communicate and transmit messages based on the studies of Joly (2007) and the pathemic effects generated by fan images, based on Charaudeau (2015); understand fan-stand relations before and during the pandemic, according to Teixeira (2013); compare the reality of soccer fans during the health crisis. We selected images based on their relevance to our thematic focus, considering the period of the ban and the return of the presence of fans in the stands. Two photographs of fans in the stands were collected from sports newspapers and two from photo platforms. The photographs show fans represented by totems and there is also a photograph in which people and totems are mixed, as well as one that portrays the fans in "normal" times. These four images, purposely selected by us, construct a narrative that is analyzed in this paper. We conclude that the totems reconstruct fans' imagery with representations that can be taken up in the memory of being a fan during the pandemic.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES CARDOSO, A. G. .; BRETAS LAGE, N.; CARDOSO, L. H. IMAGE, REPRESENTATION AND EMOTION OF THE SOCCER FANS’ TOTEMS PLACED IN THE STANDS DURING THE PANDEMIC. Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Salvador, n. 77, p. 69–94, 2024. DOI: 10.9771/ell.v0i77.55220. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.