Bibliometric Review and Scientific Mapping Using the Vosviewer® Software of the Species Phyllanthus niruri, Lippia alba, Carapa guianensis and Theobroma cacao




Bibliometrics, Phytotherapeutics, Prospection


The interinstitutional project, entitled Technical-Productive Prospecting and Prioritization for the Integration of the Amazon Phytotherapeutic Chain (PROFitos-BioAM), has selected four species of Amazonian plants with different stages of development in their respective production chains in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The selected species are Phyllanthus niruri, Lippia alba, Carapa guianensis (andiroba), and Theobroma cacao (cocoa). This study presents a bibliometric review and a scientific mapping of the applications of these species in the development of herbal medicines. The methodology used is based on the utilization of the Vosviewer software in the scientific databases Web of Science (WoS), Google Scholar, and the governmental database Renisus. The results indicate that Phyllanthus niruri, Lippia alba, and andiroba are plant species with priority and traditional applications for medicinal purposes. Therefore, they demonstrate high rates of scientific production and patenting in the consulted databases, with significant Brazilian scientific contributions. Cocoa is a species with a growing scientific production for phytotherapeutic applications, but its scientific production primarily originates from abroad.


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Author Biographies

Siomara Dias da Rocha, Center for Analysis, Research and Technological Innovation Foundation, Manaus, AM, Brazil

Graduated in Chemistry from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). Master in Analytical Chemistry (UFAM). PhD in Chemistry (UFAM) in the research line of Analytical Methods and Environmental Studies.

Rafael Lima Medeiros, Instituto Federal do Amazonas

PhD in Biotechnology, Management area, from the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology at the Federal University of Amazonas in 2017.

Rosana Zau Mafra, Federal University of Amazonas

PhD in Biotechnology, main area Management. Master in Natural Resources Economics by Okayama University. Graduated in Economics and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Economics and Analysis at the Faculty of Social Studies, Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM).


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How to Cite

Rocha, S. D. da, Medeiros, R. L., & Mafra, R. Z. (2024). Bibliometric Review and Scientific Mapping Using the Vosviewer® Software of the Species Phyllanthus niruri, Lippia alba, Carapa guianensis and Theobroma cacao. Cadernos De Prospecção, 17(4), 1143–1164.



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