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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I declare that the manuscript is original and that it is not currently under evaluation by another academic or other journal.
  • I declare that the manuscript does not constitute plagiarism or self-plagiarism, in whole or in part, as defined by the copyright legislation in force in Brazil.
  • I declare that the manuscript follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • I declare that the manuscript has been thoroughly checked for spelling in both the abstracts and the body of the text.
  • I declare that the abstracts in a foreign language have been carefully reviewed according to the rules of the language in which they were written.
  • I declare that I will upload the file correctly and check that it is in fact in the system so that the submission is not "incomplete".

Author Guidelines

Submissions are made online and there are no fees or charges. Authors must register with the Revista Periódicus system in order to submit texts. If you are not registered, go to the website and follow the instructions. Don't forget to mark the roles of reader and author. If you have difficulties accessing the site, please request access via e-mail to, sending your full name and e-mail address (we strongly recommend that you do not use institutional e-mails as they are causing errors in the OJS system).

Authors must comply with the following guidelines:

a) texts must not be identified as authored;

b) texts in Portuguese, Spanish and English are accepted;

c) use a word processor compatible with .RTF, .DOC or .ODT format;

d) the sheet must be A4 size;

e) all margins must be 2.5cm;

f) we recommend that authorship does not exceed four (04) people.

The text should be formatted with the following items:

01) title: font Times New Roman, size 12, bold, centered, space between lines 1. First letter in capitals, book titles in italics. The maximum length is 100 characters with spaces.

02) title in English: Times New Roman font, body 10, bold, centered, line spacing 1. First letter capitalized, book titles in italics. The maximum length is 100 characters with spaces.

03) title in Spanish: Times New Roman font, body 10, bold, centered, line spacing 1. First letter capitalized, book titles in italics. The maximum length is 100 characters with spaces.

04) 3 blank lines, Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.

05) abstract: Times New Roman font, body 10, justified alignment, line spacing 1. The word "Abstract" should be in bold, followed by a colon. The maximum length is 1,000 characters with spaces.

06) 1 blank line, Times New Roman font, size 10, line spacing 1.5.

07) Keywords: same configuration as the abstract. The term "Keywords" should be in bold, followed by a colon. Length: 3 to 5 words, separated by semicolons.

08) 1 blank line, Times New Roman font, body 10, line spacing 1.

09) abstract: same layout as the abstract. The word "Abstract" is in bold, followed by a colon. The maximum length is 1,000 characters with spaces.

10) 1 blank line, Times New Roman font, body 10, line spacing 1.5.

11) Keywords: same configuration as the abstract. Keywords should be in bold, followed by a colon. Length: 3 to 5 words, separated by semicolons.

12) 1 blank line, Times New Roman font, body 12, line spacing 2.

13) abstract: same layout as the summary. The word "Resumen" is in bold, followed by a colon. The maximum length is 1,000 characters with spaces.

14) 1 blank line, Times New Roman font, body 10, space between lines 1.5.

15) Palabras clave: same configuration as the abstract. The term "Palabras clave" should be in bold, followed by a colon. Length: 3 to 5 words, separated by semicolons.

16) 1 blank line, Times New Roman font, body 12, line spacing 2.

17) Epigraph: 6cm left indent, Times New Roman font, size 10, 1 line spacing, justified alignment. After the epigraph: 1 blank line, Times New Roman font 12, line spacing 2.

18) body of the paper: paragraph entry = 1 tab = 1.25cm. Text in Times New Roman font, body 12, justified alignment, line spacing 1.5.

19) indented quotation: in the case of a quotation that exceeds 3 lines, it should be inserted in its own paragraph, with a 2 tab indent (= 2.5cm), Times New Roman font, body 10, justified alignment, line spacing 1. To separate the text of the quotation from the body of the work, use 1 blank line before and after, with font 10 and line spacing 1. Quotations of up to 3 lines should be marked with double quotation marks and inserted in the body of the text. They must contain the author's name, the year of the work and the pages, presented according to the examples below.

20) if the work has internal subdivisions, the titles of each part must be written in the same font and body as the text, highlighted in bold and positioned on the left margin, preceded by the Arabic numeral corresponding to the subdivision (with only one space between the numeral and the title of the subdivision - no dashes or periods).

21) if the article contains explanatory notes, these should be inserted using the "Insert footnote" feature (in the case of Microsoft Word) or a similar feature. The notes should appear at the foot of the page where they are inserted, in Times New Roman font, body 10, justified alignment, space between lines 1, preceded by the Arabic numeral that identifies them.

22) at the end of the article, insert two blank lines, Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.5.

23) References: after these two blank lines, the References should appear, in Times New Roman font, body 12, line spacing 1. The term "References" is in bold and is not followed by a colon. Leave a blank line (12-point font, 1 line spacing) to separate each item cited in the references (see reference templates below).

24) The text must be saved in .RTF, .DOC or .ODT format.

25) There is no minimum or maximum page limit.

Texts submitted in English must include, in the order indicated above, Abstract, Resumo and Resumen. Texts submitted in Spanish must include, in the order indicated above, an Abstract, a Summary and an Abstract.

It is requested that unconventional words be highlighted with single quotation marks; italics should only be used for foreign terms, neologisms and titles of books and periodicals.

If there are illustrations, they should be of the quality required for good reproduction. They should be identified with a title or caption and referred to in the text in abbreviated form as a figure (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.). In the case of illustrations that have already been published, mention the source. Tables will contain a title and will be referred to in the text in abbreviated form (Tab.1, Tab.2, etc.). Annexes should be placed after the references and presented in Roman numerals.

Please do not use columns. If you need to format text in more than one column, use the "Insert Table" feature. Remember that you can make table rows invisible.

Note: in the case of texts for dossiers that have defined deadlines for submission, we will not accept texts after the deadlines under any circumstances. Don't leave submission to the last minute.

Examples of citations and references

Quotations of up to 3 lines must be marked with double quotation marks and inserted into the body of the text. They must contain the author's name, the year of the work and the pages, presented according to the examples below.

1) the author's ideas mentioned throughout the text:

Ex: as Butler says (2000, p.43).

1.1) if the author's name appears in full:

Ex: according to Judith Butler (2000)

2) references after quotation:

Ex: etcetcetcetcetc (Candido, 2000, p.43);

3) case of paraphrase

Ex: etcetcetcetcetc (cf. Candido, 2000, p.43).

Quotations longer than 3 lines should be presented in their own margin, with 1 line spacing, body text 10, justified alignment, followed by the bibliographical reference in brackets.

Ex: etcetcetcetcetcetcetcetcetcetcetcetce




(Bakhtin, 1997, p.105-106)

References must comply with the following rules:

1) Book: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First name without abbreviation. Title of the book (in italics): (subtitle, if any). Place of publication: Publisher, Date.

Ex: FERREIRA, Virgílio. Aparição. 61.ed. Lisbon: Bertrand, 1994.

2) Book chapter: SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE CHAPTER, First name without abbreviation. Title of the chapter: (subtitle, if any). In: SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE BOOK, First name without abbreviation. Title of the book (in italics): (subtitle, if any). Place of publication: Publisher, Date. beginning and end pages of the chapter.

Ex: ORNELAS, José. The fascist body in contemporary Portuguese narrative. In: MOREIRA, Maria Eunice. (Org.) Histories of literature: theories, themes, authors. Porto Alegre: Mercado Aberto, 2003. p.208-236.

3) Article: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First name without abbreviation. Title of the article: (subtitle, if any), Name of the journal (italics), volume number, issue number, beginning and end pages of the article, month and year of publication.

Ex: ROUANET, Maria Helena. Criticism and history of literature in the 19th century: reverse and reverse of the same coin. Letras de Hoje, Porto Alegre, v. 31, n. 4, p.7-13, dec. 1996.

4) Academic Papers: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First name without abbreviation. Title (in italics): (subtitle, if any). Year of publication. Number of pages. Type of document (Thesis, Dissertation or Monograph) (Academic Degree, in brackets) - Academic Link / Educational Institution, Place of Institution, Year of defense or presentation.

Ex: NEJAR, Fabrício Carpi. Theology of trash: the poetry of excess by Manoel de Barros. 2001. 117fs. Dissertation (Master's in Literature) - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 2001.

If another type of medium has been used, other than the bibliographic one, follow the comments below:

1) CD-ROM: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First name without abbreviation. Title (in italics). Place of publication: Publisher, Date. Indicate the volume of the CD.

Ex: SPINELLI JUNIOR, Jayme. Conservation of bibliographic and documentary collections. Rio de Janeiro: National Library, [200-]. 1 CD-ROM

2) Internet sites: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, NAME without abbreviation or ENTITY. Date the page was created or updated. Title (in italics). Available at: <email address>. Accessed on day, month, year.

Ex: PIRES, Paulo Roberto. [s.d]. Literary life 2000. Available at: Accessed on July 28, 2005.

In the body of the text, if the author wishes to abbreviate the title of a book, short story, etc., the first time it is mentioned, it should be written out in full and the rest should be called by the first term. For example: the book Autópsia de um mar de ruínas, by João de Melo, could be referred to as Autópsia. To highlight the title of poems, short stories and songs, double quotation marks should be used.

Free section

Esta seção se destina à publicação de artigos e ensaios que NÃO compõem o Dossiê da edição. Estamos interessados em perspectivas indisciplinadas e originais na área dos Estudos de Gênero e Sexualidade. Além disso, esse espaço também publica textos literários, manifestos e modalidades textuais mais experimentais.


Esta seção publica resenhas acadêmicas de livros publicados há no máximo dois anos, quando da data de submissão à Revista.


In this section we accept short stories that may reflect the themes contained in the magazine's editorial policy. On the first page, the author must state in the first line whether the submission is for a specific dossier or whether it is for the issue with texts from the free section.


In this section, we accept free-form poems that may reflect the themes defined in our editorial policy. On the first page, the author must state in the first line whether the submission is for a specific dossier or whether it is for the issue with texts from the free section.

Dossie 23 - Affections for a good life




Affections for a good life: subjectivities, art and theories of black sapatonas

Camila Carmo, Fátima Lima, Luana Souza e Mayana Soares

Affection, pleasure and desire correspond to a theoretical triad that has been extensively explored in recent years, in the field of human studies, especially in the arts, studies of gender and sexuality, and languages. And, therefore, we can mistakenly feel that there is a certain exhaustion on such issues. However, building a dossier that invites us to elaborate knowledge that crosses the body through multiple dimensions that construct counter-colonial subjectivities (Antônio Bispo, 2023), based on the uses of affections, pleasure, and desires produced and reenacted collectively by black dyke people is essential for the contemporary construction of knowledge which brings, among other issues, ways of operating life in ruptures with the colonial trappings. Call for papers here:

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The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.