Antropocentrismo, Direito Animal, Especismo, Inteligência Artificial, SenciênciaAbstract
The general objective of this article is to investigate the human anthropocentric character regarding the performance of Artificial Intelligence in non-human animals and to investigate the emergence of an algorithmic ethics external to these processes strongly impacted by the presumption of the existence of an animal right. To do so, we start from the following research problem: how anthropomorphic bias influences and drives the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in non-human animals and how algorithmic ethics can be developed and applied to mitigate speciesism, considering experience and principles of Animal Law? We start from the preliminary hypothesis that most human values are speciesist, so AI will reproduce such understandings even without explicit programming to do so, and although Artificial Intelligence is presented as an emancipatory tool, it still operates beneficial objectives for humans. The specific objectives are three: a) understand the current legal status of non-human animals and the impact of the terminology of “science” in this context; b) evaluate how Artificial Intelligence impacts non-human animals at the same time; c) glimpse the ideological fact that obliterates such processes and ethical perspectives regarding the performance and regulation of Artificial Intelligence. It ends by confirming the hypothesis. Use the hypothetical-deductive methodology.
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