Animal law; Sentience; Anthrozoology; Pets and Brazilian civil codeAbstract
ABSTRACT: The article analyzes the proposed reforms to the Brazilian Civil Code, particularly concerning the legal protection of companion animals. The study investigates the evolution of animal rights, considering human sensitivity and affection, and employs a methodology that includes the analysis of case law, the interpretation of pending bills, and comparisons with foreign legislation. The research is guided by doctrinal and jurisprudential approaches, and the theoretical discussion addresses changes in animal rights and new legal perspectives. The study concludes that, although the proposed changes in the Civil Code represent a significant advance, there are still gaps in the effective protection of companion animals' rights. Furthermore, the research identifies the need for greater clarity and rigor in legal provisions to ensure the adequate protection of these animals. The main conclusions highlight the importance of more robust and detailed legislation to ensure the well-being and rights of companion animals, reflecting contemporary society's demands and advancements in the perception of animal rights.
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