Swallowing Assessment Intruments In Adults: Integrative Literature Review





Nursing. Deglutition Disorders. Surveys and questionnaires. Quality of Health Care. Review Lite-rature as Topic.


Objective: to analyze the evidence on swallowing assessment tools for adults. Method: an integrative literature review, whose data collection was carried out in December 2022, in the EBSCO Host aggregator. Results: the final sample consisted of 7 articles, the analysis of which showed that the most cited scale in the articles found was the 10-Item Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10). Conclusion: swallowing assessment tools are essential for the early identification of swallowing disorders, resulting in a reduction in the complications inherent to this health condition.

Descriptors: Nursing. Deglutition Disorders. Surveys and questionnaires. Quality of Health Care. Review Literature as Topic.


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How to Cite

Ascensão Salvador, L. S., Silva, R. P., Pinto Rodrigues, T. M., & Alves da Rocha e Silva Rocha, I. (2024). Swallowing Assessment Intruments In Adults: Integrative Literature Review. Revista Baiana De Enfermagem, 38(.). https://doi.org/10.18471/rbe.v38.57111


