Perspective on the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings
Machine Learning, Automation, Public Buildings.Abstract
This paper aimed to survey the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for energy efficiency management in public buildings. It used the qualitative approach, with exploratory objective on the subject in question, relying on bibliographic research, in the basis of scientific and documentary publications, in Brazilian government agencies on energy efficiency, and technological prospection. The keywords used were "artificial intelligence AND energy efficiency AND public buildings", the search in Scopus returned 1,459 articles referring to the object of work. Most affiliate documents belong to Chinese and European educational institutions, although the United States ranks first in number of publications by country. As for technological prospection, most patents also belong to universities, but in this case, especially China. Because artificial intelligence is a broad term, it enables the development of future work in greater depth in a specific branch of AI.
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