Açaí Planting on Dry Land: prospecting demand for YouTube contents





Euterpe oleracea, Embrapa, Plant Variety.


This article analyzes data displayed on YouTube related to videos about the planting of açaí on dry land. The chosen theme considered: the importance of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) production for the state of Pará; the role of Embrapa in generating technologies that meet society's demands, like açaí cultivated variety; and the public's interest in the content displayed on the platform. The data were collected on Youtube, from the keyword "açaí plantation" for classification and quantitative analysis of the most relevant videos and with the highest number of views and likes. The main results indicate that the videos that arouse the greatest public engagement address the following subjects: açaí planting, seedling production, irrigation, açaí consortium and profitability. Therefore, it is concluded that the prospecting of demands from videos shown on YouTube can generate new opportunities for the development of content, technological solutions, business and communication strategies.


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Author Biographies

Giselle Cristina Pinheiro Aragão, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará

Master's Student in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - Profnit

Suezilde da Conceição Amaral Ribeiro, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará

Director of extension and inter-institutional relations - PROEX Teacher of the professional master's degree in Rural Development and Management of Agri-Food Enterprises Teacher of the Professional Master's Degree in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer


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How to Cite

Aragão, G. C. P., & Ribeiro, S. da C. A. (2022). Açaí Planting on Dry Land: prospecting demand for YouTube contents. Cadernos De Prospecção, 15(4), 1369–1382. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v15i4.43749



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