Mapping of the Food Potentials of Spondias tuberosa Arruda Câmara in Scientific and Patent Literature




Spondias tuberosa, Umbu, Foods, Technological development, Marketplace.


Spondias tuberosa Arruda, endemic to Brazil, especially in the semi-arid northeast, represents an important economic base within family farming. The fresh fruit and its processing by the agroindustry have been highlighted by the activity of cooperatives and associations of small rural producers. The objective of the work was to map the scientific, technological and marketing potential of umbu. The Scopus (2000 to 2024), Orbit Intelligence (2003 to 2023) and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (2018 to 2022) databases were used. As a result, 100 articles and 19 patent families were recovered. There was an increase in the number of articles, focusing on bioactive compounds from umbu. Most of the research and development is led by Brazilian public institutions: 97% of articles and 89.5% of patents. There was an increase (70%) in the production and commercialization of the fruit since 2018. It is suggested that technological development related to the umbu production chain has the potential to increase technological maturity.


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Author Biographies

Wagna Piler Carvalho dos Santos, Federal Institute of Bahia

Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 7745470765033035 PhD in Chemistry from the Federal University of Bahia-UFBA (2007), master's degree in Chemistry from UFBA (2003), degree in Chemistry from UFBA ( 2001) and food technician from the Federal Technical School of Chemistry of Rio de Janeiro, currently IFRJ. She worked as a professor of the Food Technician course at the Federal Center for Technological Education of Paraná-CEFET / PR, currently UTFPR. She is currently a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia-IFBA. She has experience in the area of Chemistry, with an emphasis on Analytical Chemistry, working mainly on the following topics: spectroanalytical techniques, ICP OES, sample preparation, foods, legumes and essential and toxic elements. He has worked at the National Forum of Innovation and Technology Transfer Managers Association (FORTEC) since 2014. Since 2016, he has been a professor of the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation ( hosted by FORTEC).

Núbia Moura Ribeiro, Federal Institute of Bahia

She holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Bahia (1983), a master's degree in Natural Products Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1987) and a PhD in Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2004). She is a professor at the Federal Institute of Bahia, working in the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFFNIT-IFBA). She was a professor of the Doctorate in Knowledge Diffusion, in partnership with UFBA. She was Director of the São Francisco do Conde Campus at UNILAB, Pro-Rector of Research and Postgraduate Studies at IFBA, and Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Chamber at FAPESB. She has experience in the area of Chemistry, Innovation and Intellectual Property, working mainly on the following topics: intellectual property, innovation management and technological prospecting.

Iana Alves Peixoto Corrêa, Federal Institute of Bahia

Bachelor in Nutrition from the Federal University of Bahia, Campus Anísio Teixeira (2015). Specialist in Phytotherapy Applied to Clinical Nutrition from Unileya College (2017). She works as a nutritionist at the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Bahia, Campus Jequié, being the technical responsible for the National School Food Program. Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation at the Federal Institute of Bahia.

Rita Maria Weste Nano, Federal Institute of Bahia

Graduated in Chemistry from the Federal University of Bahia (1987), graduated in Chemical Industrial Analyst from the Federal University of Bahia (1979), master's degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Bahia (1994) and PhD in Chemistry from the State University of Campinas (2006) . Full professor at the Federal Institute of Bahia, he participates in the PROFNIT postgraduate program. He has experience in the area of Chemistry, with an emphasis on Trace Analysis and Environmental Chemistry, working mainly on the following topics: heavy metals, mangroves, oil activities, São Francisco do Conde mangroves and metallic ions.


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How to Cite

Santos, W. P. C. dos, Ribeiro, N. M., Corrêa, I. A. P. ., & Weste Nano, R. M. (2024). Mapping of the Food Potentials of Spondias tuberosa Arruda Câmara in Scientific and Patent Literature. Cadernos De Prospecção, 17(4), 1234–1250.



IN-TREE - Ecology, evolution, biodiversity, environmental conservation