Entrepreneurial Education From the View of Students of Higher Courses at the Federal Institute of Acre (IFAC)





Entrepreneurship, Education, Business incubator.


Entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in current economic dynamics, being a driving force for innovation, growth and transformation. Interest in entrepreneurial education has grown significantly in recent years, stimulating new approaches aimed at entrepreneurial training. In this context, this study aims to analyze the teaching of entrepreneurship in higher education courses at the Instituto Federal do Acre (IFAC), Campus Rio Branco. All higher education students on campus (549) were invited to participate in the research by filling out a structured online questionnaire with 20 objective questions. There was adherence to the research of 94 students (17.12%). The results showed a low profile of entrepreneurial vocation, although the institution fosters entrepreneurial initiatives. However, the need for greater integration of entrepreneurial practices into the academic curriculum is highlighted, as well as the importance of teacher training and more robust strategies to promote entrepreneurship in the academic environment.


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Author Biographies

Manuele Silva de Miranda, Instituto Federal do Acre

Graduated in Administration.

Mylena Figueiredo Lacerda, Instituto Federal do Acre

Graduated in Administration.

Genildo Cavalcante Ferreira Junior, Instituto Federal do Acre

Teacher at the Federal Institute of Acre, PhD in Sciences (concentration area: Biochemistry and biotechnology) from the Federal University of Alagoas, PhD in Analytical Chemistry (concentration area: Analysis of bioactive compounds) from the Université de Strasbourg - France, Master in Human Nutrition (area of concentration: Food analysis and food safety), Specialist in Quality Management and Food Safety - UNIT/AL, in Teaching for Professional and Technological Education - IFES, and in Food Science and Technology - Unyleya/DF, graduated in Biological Sciences - UNEAL and bachelor in Dentistry from UFAL. He has experience in the areas of microbiology, biochemistry and biotechnology, with an emphasis on food microbiology, bromatology, food science and technology, general, animal and food biochemistry, in addition to teaching in higher education. It carries out research and studies on the agro-industrial production chain, food safety, food science and technology, chromatography, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, HPLC techniques, GC-MS, education, environmental and food microbiology.


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How to Cite

Miranda, M. S. de, Lacerda, M. F., Satrapa, H. F. M. ., & Ferreira Junior, G. C. (2025). Entrepreneurial Education From the View of Students of Higher Courses at the Federal Institute of Acre (IFAC). Cadernos De Prospecção, 18(1), 248–262. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v18i1.61126



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