Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem of Botucatu, SP: characterization and challenges
Triple Helix, Economic development, Public policy, Startups.Abstract
This article aims to understand the structure of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem of Botucatu, SP, diagnose the actors present and identify their potential, gaps and challenges, and offer support for planning actions that enable their development and growth. Data from two editions of the Mapping of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem of Botucatu, SP, were used for the analysis. The results highlighted the importance of the university-business-government relationship in structuring and strengthening this ecosystem. They pointed to an increase in the number of mapped actors, from 78 in 2022 to 97 in 2023, and highlighted their diversity, the presence of startups at various stages of maturity operating mainly in agribusiness and biotechnology. However, there is a lack of institutions that finance innovations, especially related to venture capital. Despite the positive points listed, the mapping is still not fully representative of the local reality, and expanding it is a great challenge. There is much more to measure. The more comprehensive it is, the greater the support for discussing public policies to support local scientific and technological development, support technology-based ventures, attract groups of investors and promote regional economic development.
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