“Latin in Bookplates”

theoretical and methodological foundations of the workshop





Latin, Latin teaching, Bookplates


In this article, we aim to address the theoretical and methodological foundations that guided the development of the workshop "Latin in bookplates", given on 22 October 2020, during the lecture cycle "Provenance and Material Culture". We designed this workshop on the basis of the methodology of instrumental language teaching and intended it to make participants aware of the presence, in bookplates, of abbreviations and literary allusions to Latin works. Throughout the exhibition, we have highlighted some of the care and protocols to be considered by professionals who deal with bookplates in Latin that contain abbreviations and literary allusions. In this paper, we will recover some of that discussion made in our workshop.


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How to Cite

Moniz, F. F. de S. . (2022). “Latin in Bookplates”: theoretical and methodological foundations of the workshop. PontodeAcesso, 16(3), 262–283. https://doi.org/10.9771/rpa.v16i3.52310