
  • Non binarity: an emerging idendity in contemporary Brazil
    Vol. 3 No. 20 (2024)

    Volume 3 with free section texts.

  • Non binarity: an emerging idendity in contemporary Brazil
    Vol. 2 No. 20 (2024)

    Volume 2 only with texts from the free section.

  • Non binarity: an emerging idendity in contemporary Brazil
    Vol. 1 No. 20 (2024)

    The issue of non binary trans identities has been the subject of increasing visibility and interest in contemporary Brazil, but also target of attacks in different fields. The decision to ban the use of neutral language by the state of Rondônia, a way to refer to non binary people in the Portuguese language, ended up taking the matter to STF Minister Edson Fachin, who decided to cancel the ban in November 2021. In a scenario of emergence of non-binary identities in the cultural and political field, it is essential that we circulate the theoretical-critical reflections that adress the questionings and subjective inter-gender productions, which shakes the binary organizational modes of thought and our way of seeing the world. The proposal of the present dossier, therefore, is a call for theoretical texts, translations, interviews, poems, manifestos, texts of cultural criticism, which thematize the issue of non binaries as transidentities.

    Dri Azevedo - Professore substitute do departamento de Teoria Literária da UFRJ e doutora em Literatura, Cultura e Contemporaneidade pela PUC-Rio

    Andrey Chagas - Doutorando em Comunicação e Cultura na UFRJ

    Walla Capelobo - Mestra em Estudos Contemporâneos das Artes no PPGCA (IACS/UFF)

  • To circulate in alliance
    Vol. 2 No. 19 (2023)

    Volume 2 with texts from the free section.

  • To circulate in alliance: methodologies of collaboration and movements between worlds
    Vol. 1 No. 19 (2023)

    Moving between worlds is not a totalizing phenomenon. We circulate with and within inequalities, clashes and violences. How do alliances highlight and find openings to amplify the articulation of resistances and ways of collaborating with dignity? This question is the starting point of this call.  

    Monocultures devour the pluriverse – the world where many worlds fit, as the Zapatista movement names it – and generate processes of alienation from the land that affect us all, but not in an equivalent way. Devastation generates contacts, forced migrations, and the need to create networks to articulate the struggles over land and water – understanding land and water as living for different worlds, peoples, cosmologies, ways of life and modes of production. We want to make this number a space for sharing knowledge about the possibilities and challenges of collaboration taking into account different positionalities within a land-destroying system that hierarchizes bodies, territories and epistemologies.

    How do bodies and collectives move and connect by land and social networks, via clouds (by plane) and the cloud (by submarine cables)? How do songs, dances, and other expressive practices and forms of collectivity give meaning to connections and practices of care? 

    We are specially interested in methodological reflections between territories, struggles and thinking-feelings that consider ecology and the formation of alliances in an anti-racist and feminist way. We are also interested in narratives that exceed the separation between theoretical elaborations and the processes from which they are born.

    Editorial organization:

    Maria Fantinato G. Siqueira, doutora em Música, Universidade Columbia / pós-doutoranda no departamento de Antropologia Cultural, Universidade Duke.

    Camila Nobrega R. Alves, doutoranda na Divisão de Gênero do departamento de Ciência Política da Universidade Livre de Berlim / Jornalista transmídia

    Vered Engelhard, doutorande e professore bolsista (teaching fellow) no departamento de Estudos Culturais Latinoamericanos e Ibéricos na Universidade Columbia / artista independente

  • Arte da capa: Euclides Rocha Cavalcante Neto

    Dissident Territorialities and (in) Urban Narratives
    Vol. 1 No. 18 (2022)

    The purpose of this dossier is to bring together researchers and people interested in understanding the interfaces between space and expressions of dissident genders and sexualities, emphasizing the visibility and the act of appearing in public as a fundamental presupposition for the (de)construction of discourses around the body, its subjectivities and its territorialities in the urban space. We are interested in observing the many configurations of gender and sexuality and their transits, having the spaces implied in the performative action of transitory identities that destabilize social norms and visibility regimes.

  • Plural Film Culture
    Vol. 2 No. 17 (2022)

    Free section texts

  • Plural Film Culture
    Vol. 1 No. 17 (2022)

    The traditional discussion of cinephilia, with its canons and developments in the field of cinema - and which reverberate in the realization, critical practice, curatorship, teaching and research on films - was based almost exclusively on the perspective of a "universal subject" : white, male, cis and hetero normative and, therefore, in the greater legitimacy of this subject's gaze. A plural filmic culture encompasses reflections that refuse to hierarchize the many different cosmovisions and poetics possible of articulation in images and sounds and in the elaboration of theories and thoughts.
    This dossier opens up to articles that engage in the task of expanding the possibilities of understanding film culture, imagining paradigms for its multiple aspects, in a widening of circumscriptions beyond the “universal” canons. Interdisciplinary reflections with the field of cinema are encouraged. Among the ideas that drive our debates, we highlight: Feminist Black Poetics by Denise Ferreira da Silva, New Filmic Culture by Girish Shambu, Critical Fabulation by Saidiya Hartman, Spiral Temporalities and Afrographs by Leda Maria Martins, Aquilombamento by Beatriz Nascimento, Opacity by Édouard Glissant, Cognitive Plantation of Jota Mombaça, among others. We hope to establish a dialogue between these and other non-hegemonic epistemological incursions. Texts that articulate from issues caused by black, indigenous, female, lgbtqia+ cinematographies, among others, will be welcome.

  • Intersexuality: gender challenges
    Vol. 3 No. 16 (2021)

    Editing with texts from the free section.

  • Intersexuality: gender challenges
    Vol. 2 No. 16 (2021)

    Volume 2 of issue number 16 brings a series of texts from the free section.

  • Intersexualidade: desafios de gênero
    Vol. 1 No. 16 (2021)

    A proposta do presente dossiê é reunir produções inéditas sobre a temática da intersexualidade, a partir de múltiplos planos de análise e olhares interdisciplinares. A intersexualidade é um fenômeno complexo e multifacetado, historicamente marcado pela regulação de corpos e vidas que interpelam/extrapolam enquadramentos normativos de sexo/gênero. Ao longo dos últimos anos, os debates em torno da intersexualidade vêm sendo cada vez mais politizados e entendidos em sua pluralidade. O dossiê foi organizado por Amiel Modesto Vieira, sociólogo e doutorando em Bioética (PPGBios/UFRJ), transmasculine, co-fundador da ABRAI, fundador do Observatório Intersexo e coordenador de políticas intersexo do IBRAT; Anacely Costa, psicóloga e dra. em Saúde Coletiva (IMS/UERJ), docente na Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (Paulo Afonso/BA), vinculada ao Laboratório Intersexo, integrante da Rimas (Rede interdisciplinar de mulheres acadêmicas do Semiárido) e coordenadora do Rita Lobato - Grupo de estudo e pesquisa em gênero, sexualidade e saúde; Barbara Pires, doutora em Antropologia Social pelo Museu Nacional (UFRJ), pesquisadora de pós-doutorado no Instituto de Medicina Social (UERJ); Marina Cortez, socióloga e doutora em Saúde Coletiva (PPGSCM/Fiocruz), assistente de projeto e pesquisadora do Instituto EQUIT – Gênero, Economia e Cidadania Global.

  • Queer/Cuir Américas
    Vol. 1 No. 15 (2021)

    O Dossiê continua nos seguintes sites:  El lugar sin límites: Argentina - e GLQ EUA -

  • Número 14 - Volume 2
    Vol. 2 No. 14 (2020)

  • Número 13, Volume 2
    Vol. 2 No. 13 (2020)

  • Número 11, Volume 2
    Vol. 2 No. 11 (2019)

  • Cidades dissidentes
    Vol. 1 No. 8 (2017)

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