
  • Paulo Maciel Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto/Professor
  • Stephan Baumgartel State University of Santa Catarina/Associate Professor


Decoloniality – Feminism – Womanism – Caribbean black intelligentsia - Shakespeare


This essay focuses its discussion on the place of decolonial feminism in the field of feminist studies by taking as its point of departure the absence of a woman for Caliban not only in Shakespeare’s playtext The Tempest, but also in the critical corpus written about the play. It analyses this absence as an ontological emptiness within feminism and defends that to bring this black woman to the center of the discussion displaces the decolonial feminist discourse in direction to a epistemological break with a eurocentric feminism and its regulating signifying systems. In doing so, decolonial feminism does not open a new field of colonial studies but establishes a paradigm shift in feminist studies, going beyond secularizing concepts of truth and gender and towards a ‘demoniac model’ through which caribbean women’s lives are enabled to express their auto-poiesis.


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Author Biography

Stephan Baumgartel, State University of Santa Catarina/Associate Professor

Associate professor at UDESC — Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, where he teaches subjects in the area of ​​theater history, theatrical aesthetics and dramaturgy. He is the creator and coordinator of the project “Encontro com Dramaturgo”, in which he manages an ongoing theatrical writing workshop and which regularly invites Brazilian playwrights and playwrights to give lectures and hold mini-courses. As a researcher, he is mainly interested in contemporary Brazilian theatrical writing and in non-mimetic modalities of staging theatrical texts, thinking of procedures, textual and scenic poetics as possible symptomatic structures of its social context and at the same time as gestures of intervention in it.      


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