"Man does not menstruate": pedagogical practices of gender and sexuality in an institution specialized in visual impairment



Visual impairment, Specialized institution, Gender and sexuality, Conversation circle


This article aimed to shed light on two pedagogical practices carried out by two teachers from the Instituto Benjamin Constant, a specialized reference in visual impairment. The theme of "Gender and Sexuality" gained prominence in the adopted methodologies directed towards groups of visually impaired students. The construction of stereotypes of blind and visually impaired students as either subject to subjectivity or devoid of sexuality by their family members and some teachers was observed. In this context, the projects "Conversation Circle" in the early years and "Paths of Inclusion: Sexuality, AIDS, and Disability" in the later years of elementary education emerged, under the supervision of the mentioned teachers in 2018 and 2019. The adopted methodologies took into consideration the questions previously raised by visually impaired students and the construction of knowledge through a dialogical and open process. The conversation circle on the topic of "Violence against women in our society" revealed a space for multiple questions, deconstruction of sexist behaviors, and reflections on the sexual division of labor in different spaces. Although there were recurrent references to gender role fixation in society, the Paths of Inclusion project elucidated matured statements about inequalities between men and women and ableism in society.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Agrellos Costa, Instituto Benjamin Constant

Professor EBTT do Instituto Benjamin Constant

Doutor em Ciência pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ)

Mariana dos Reis Santos, Instituto Benjamin Constant

Professora EBTT do Instituto Benjamin Constant

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)



How to Cite

Rodrigo Agrellos Costa, & Mariana dos Reis Santos. (2024). "Man does not menstruate": pedagogical practices of gender and sexuality in an institution specialized in visual impairment. Cadernos De Gênero E Diversidade, 9(3). Retrieved from https://revbaianaenferm.ufba.br/index.php/cadgendiv/article/view/55047



Gênero e Sexualidade: novas perspectivas e intersecções sobre experiências i